P9: Portfolio

  • Project Corrections / Time spent: 2 hours 5 minutes (Project 1: 30 minutes, realigned everything. Spent 15 minutes alone realigning the bottom time and place; Project 2: 35 minutes, I realigned the entire right side. I added more information on the Mounted Patrol, I added more about the date, I made the photo larger and realigned it, I also took the text boxes away from the edges; Project 6: 40 minutes, I updated the color of the orange text so that it would be easier to see. In the letterhead I played around with where to put the contact information. I also pulled the logo from the sides, I ultimately moved the contact information on the letterhead to the bottom of the logo so that there would be more room for a letter; Project 4: 20 minutes, I corrected my punctuation in the qoute I also realigned it and pulled it away from the edges. I played with the placement and the coloring of the overall project.)
  • Message: To show my projects that I have created throughout the semester
  • Audience:  People who look at portfolios
  • Top Thing Learned: I learned how to create a portfolio to display my work in a nice fashion
  • Future application of Visual Media: I can use this skill to create another portfolio in the future
  • Color scheme and color names: Complimentary Brick and Teal
  • Title Font Name & Category: Helvetica Neue- Sans Serif
  • Copy Font Name & Category: Helvetica Neue- Sans Serif
  • Thumbnails of Images used:woodplankbackground
  • Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site):
  • http://cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=66709&PHPSESSID=u1bsburig8ohltc316iejpaag0
  • CGTextures


  1. Hallo, ich habe gerade gesehen, daß ich einen Eurer bestimmt tollen Trtsrpoeise gewonnen habe. Da bin ich jetzt aber gespannt, was das sein wird!!! Liebe GrüßeAnja



  2. SusannahLove the blog thus far, and look forward to seeing where else you go with it. Conlnatugatiors on getting it up and running. I am always amazed at your drive, your persistance and your energy. Happy late birthday and may you enjoy continued good health and time for all that you love in this year to come.XO Susannah



  3. Thanks for reviving my old article. I've .Btw, the key of the quote you posted is the word irrational. If it is irrational to fear passengers just because they look "suspicious", then it's cowardly to act on that fear. If it is not irrational, because, say, 10% of all suspicious passengers are actually terrorists, then it's just common sense to act on that fear. I think it's safe to say that the percentage of suspicious-looking passengers who actually are terrorists is microscopic. You should be more afraid for a regular airplane accident than that the strange person next to you will blow it up.



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